The farm mostly consists of Acacia savannah and, as the name suggests, the terrain is
made up of Acacia trees and sparse grassland. Acacia, Matopi, Boabab, Leadwood
(Hardekool) and Redbush Willow (Rooibos) trees flourish here and the hunting area will mainly
be flat. A large variety of grazers, browsers and even carnivores roam free on the ranch
and the average rifle hunting distance is 100 meters.
Climate, season and rainfall
As South Africa is in the Southern Hemisphere, the seasons are the opposite of those experienced in Europe, the United States and the United Kingdom. Hunting season stretches from May to September, predominantly winter months, with warm days and cool nights. The area has low summer rainfall from September to April with temperatures ranging from a summer high of 30° Celsius (87° Fahrenheit) to a low of 20° Celsius (68° Fahrenheit), and a winter high of 27° Celsius (86° Fahrenheit) to a low of 6° Celsius (44° Fahrenheit) on average, with no frost.
The rainy season in the bushveld,is in summer, mostly with late afternoon thunderstorms, and occasional hail storms. No rain in winter (hunting season) Winter time is mostly dry..