CLOTHING -Daily laundry service is provided so large quantities of clothing are not necessary. Comfortable clothing is recommended for daytime hunting, shorts or long pants can be worn. A comfortable pair of hiking boots are recommended but not essential, sneakers will be more than adequate if preferred. Evening wear is informal and anything of comfort can be worn. A heavy jacket or insulated coveralls are recommended, especially months June through August.

Observers can either accompany the hunting party, do sightseeing, curio shopping or relax in the camp. Options for Sightseeing includes scenic drives through the Drakensberg mountains, visits to reptile parks, wildlife breeding centres, wildlife rehabilitation centres and the Kruger National Park and many other attractions in the area. This would all depend on what the individual would like to do.

It is recommended that you consult with your doctor about any vaccinations required while visiting South Africa. It must be noted that malaria prophylaxis is strongly recommended.